Low Temperature Environments

Even as technology penetrates every climate, thermal management innovations fail to address frigid environments. From northern infrastructure to cryogenic computing, electronics operate in temperatures reaching -100°C or below. Yet ineffective heat transfer at these extreme lows leads to unstable performance, lost efficiency, and reduced equipment lifespan.

SigmaOx recognizes the need for thermal interface materials engineered specifically for subarctic and cryogenic use cases. Our custom composites retain pliability and stability despite freezing temperatures that embrittle and crack inferior TIMs. This maintains efficient cooling performance down to -200°C. We negate coefficient mismatch between frozen components, preventing dangerous hotspots. Rigorously tested on chillers and in industrial freezers, our low temperature TIMs also withstand tremendous temperature shocks and cycles.

Whether enabling reliable electronics in northern climates, boosting output for overclocked cryo-cooled computers, or maintaining superconducting magnets like those powering MRI machines, SigmaOx low temperature TIM solutions uphold critical system functionality in the most frigid conditions.